The urethra - a tube that goes from the bladder to the end of the penis and carries urine and semen out of the body - goes through the prostate.
There are thousands of tiny glands in the prostate - they all produce a fluid that forms part of the semen. This fluid also protects and nourishes the sperm. When a male has an orgasm the seminal-vesicles secrete a milky liquid in which the semen travels. The liquid is produced in the prostate gland, while the sperm is kept and produced in the testicles. When a male climaxes (has an orgasm) contractions force the prostate to secrete this fluid into the urethra and leave the body through the penis.
Diagram of the location of the prostate gland and nearby organs
Diagram of the location of the prostate gland and nearby organs
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By : Linda Andriani
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